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Knowledge Hunt 2019, Open House Competitions for Schools

Time: 2019-08-08 00:00:00
HCAS, Chennai
Knowledge Hunt 2019, Open House Competitions for Schools

Knowledge Hunt 2019, Open House Competitions for Schools

HCAS launches Knowledge Hunt – A program for higher secondary school students

Padur 8/8/2019

It started with prayer as Principal Dr. S. Thirumagan welcomed Director Dr. Susan Marthandan the Deputy Director - Academics Dr. VJ Philip Vice Principal Mr. Samuel Sampath Kumar  co-coordinator and Dean of humanities Dr. R. Sakthi Prabha as well as  gathering of  Kelambakkam and Thaiyur Government schools higher secondary students and teachers  faculties and others of HCAS.  He said it is happy on this wonderful occasion of knowledge hunt a program of HCAS offering to school students on its courses and facilities.   He said it is happy to have nearby schools and grateful to principal and teachers as HCAS is a good campus as founder Dr. KCG Verghese envisioned.  Students are at a time to choose future and Dr. Thirumagan advised to interact to faculties of college freely and said of former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who gained knowledge in school found useful at later day.   Library is important as also play ground l he said.  To keep good health play ground is in need.  He exhorted students and teachers of schools who are on campus to interact with faculties of HCAS freely and would find this useful wished success to all as he ended.  

The Director of HCAS Dr. Susan Marthandan gave away presidential address and said she is happy to be here as HCAS has been conducting Knowledge Hunt for past several years, may be an important part of school co-curriculum of this region schools. She said students are future citizens of our country and will see bright future and knowledge hunt opens opportunity for them.   She spoke of courses as Charted Accountancy and Arts and Science courses gaining importance now as craze for Engineering and medicine has seen decline.  Dr. KCG Verghese her founding father left a legacy and you can go to Bio Technology or Microbiology or Computer Science in applied Arts and Science. Visual communication has emerged in a big way and spoke of Dr. KCG Verghese International Film Festival held in commemoration of silver jubilee function of HCAS as many actors and directors had participated.  This college boasts of good faculty as different courses are on and faculties up to 95% have SLET or NET qualification and college has ambient atmosphere as intercollegiate cultural are also held frequently

She quoted Swami Vivekananda  who spoke of how a  drop  of rain and shape it takes up as  it falls on ground it becomes with it falls on gutter it becomes gutter and said of students like wise.   She spoke of her family of three sons and how active they are and also said of building block in Kelambakkam School HCAS helped and wished students to study hard as she ended.

Mementos were given to student Manju Priya and Mrs. Bharathi teacher as this occasion came to an end.  Students saw glimpses of Knowledge Hut of 2018 as Dean of Humanities Dr. Sakthi Prabha proposed a vote of thanks thanking everyone for making this a great success.

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